Tuesday 29 March 2011


26th March 2011

I discovered a message on our answer phone on Friday afternoon.  I was surprised to hear Patrick's voice telling me that he had got my engine running.  As it was late on in the afternoon I decided it was too late to call back and it could wait until next week.  

We were just finishing our tea when the phone rang and it was Patrick, this was unprecedented, twice in one day!  I said I was surprised that he was still working as it was by now after 1800hrs.  He said he had had a good week and had gone to visit friends when he decided to give me a call again.  Apparently he had finished three engines during the week, one of which was mine.

From what he said he has changed the stator plate and coils for another set he found, I'm not sure if he also changed the flywheelSo with the electrics working he was able to start the engine.  He sounded pleased that it started easily after a couple of kicks and would tick over comfortably.  Another thing that pleased Patrick was the fact that there were no apparent oil leaks after the engine had run.  He said that after some previous rebuilds he just couldn't stop the leaks despite having changed gaskets and used silicon sealant.  Unfortunately I shall not see the engine running in its test rig but at least I have the comfort of knowing it all works.  I will try to treat the engine as a working unit and not get involved other than connect the electrics and controls.  It should then just be a question of kicking it over for it to burst into live (or not as the case may be).  This happy day is some way into the future as there is still plenty to do on the rest of the scooter.

We next got round to talking of payment.  Patrick summarised the work that he had done on the engine including fitting Heli-coils in a couple of threads and ended by saying he had left the rear hub and brakes unassembled so I could get them painted.  I think he said he had spent 35 hours working on the engine.  I failed to tell him that I have decided to assemble all the bike to MOT standard before stripping it again and having it all painted again.  I must remember to tell him before I pick the engine up, possibly Thursday.  I think Patrick's run through of the the work he has done and the parts he has fitted was to prepare me for the final bill.  

I plucked up courage to ask how much I owed him and he gave me a figure which was a lot higher than his original estimate.  This was to be expected considering all the additional work that had been necessary so I swallowed hard and got used to it.  Having become accustomed to the new cost Patrick then said that there was VAT to add!  Now we were really talking big figures (big to me you understand, not to Patrick).  So how much did it cost?  I'm not going to say how much it all comes to yet, I'm going to wait until I have some photos to help justify the expense

Over the past days I have become accustomed to the cost and have accepted that it costs what it costs.  I have to remind myself that it was me who started the journey so it's no point in complaining.  I think that most of us would like to think that there is some way of recovering our investment even if it's only the cash spent and the labour has to be given free.  I have already reached the point where this is no longer possible and there is still a long way to go.  I will just have to console myself in the knowledge that I'm bringing an otherwise scrap machine back to life.  That can't be bad.

1 comment:

  1. Great news about the engine running :-) that has got to be a major hurdle behind you now - and hopefully an incentive too.
    As for cost.... what will he do for cash? (or part cash?)
    keep it up :-)
