Tuesday 16 November 2010


Not a lot really.  I've had my operation and June has started her chemo, this has taken up most of our lives.  I have managed to get the odd moment to make some progress on the scooter.  I had intended that whilst I was convalescing I would spend time resourcing all the bits I need.  This didn't really happen for one reason or another but I still had my "Wish List No1" down at Scooter surgery with Patrick so I had made a start of sorts.

In early October I phoned Patrick and spoke to Maude.  She said she had received my list and had put in a folder for Patric to price up.  Apparently Patrick hadn't seen it yet but Maude would remind him as he was very busy at the moment.  Tell me something new.  The main thing he had my list and would eventually do something with it.  I really needed to know what he could supply so I could start the search for the bits he couldn't.  Since my list No1 can't be complete because I don't really know all the bits I'm looking for I need to start thinking about list No2, the less obvious bits.

In mid October I received my Wish List No1 marked up by Patrick, Maude had obviously done her magic.  Patrick had done a great job identifying the bits he had in stock and the bits he said he would collect during he trip to Italy in November.  This left a few items with no indication, mostly odd nuts and bolts.  There were some missing prices but adding up those that were there it looks like it's going to cost me £275 plus VAT for the identified bits.  Heavens knows what the bits he is going to pick up from Italy will cost.

Patric had been unable to source a 150cc barrel and head..  He had a 125cc barrel in good condition.  Patric argued that the porting on the 125 was the same as the 150 and the performance was not that much reduced especially if you weren't going to make long runs on Motorways.  It was always my intention that this rebuild would tie up with the log book otherwise why was I spending £1200 on the engine rebuild alone.  We agreed that I should Have a go at sourcing the barrel and head and report back to Patrick.  Patrick warned me to avoid offers of the aluminum modern replacement because of their weak exhaust connection.  Having put the phone down I realised that I was now in the hot seat and progress could be reliant on me finding a barrel.  Where to start?

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